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Philippe Bertho

Philippe Bertho is classically trained having enrolled in art school in Reims, France in the early 1990s. There, he spent considerable time studying decorative trompe l’oeil painting. Tromp l’oeil (“to fool the eye”) is a technique used by artists to create the illusion of a 3rd dimension on a flat surface. It is obvious from Bertho’s artwork that he fools much more than the eye…he draws one in by the heart and also quite frequently by the funny bone. As his style developed, he drew further inspiration from the renowned contemporary trompe-l’oeil artist, Jacques Poirier. In his early work, Bertho exhibited ingenuity by including unusual materials in his paintings. Used or broken materials that would otherwise be discarded, were re-purposed and fueled a new genre of creativity for the artist.

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  • Medium
    • acrylic on canvas
    • serigraph on gesso board
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