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Spring 2025 Fine Art Collection is Here! Hundreds of Works Available at Special Pricing!

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A Gaiety Girl (Plate 4)

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Image size: 11.25 x 8
Frame size: 21 x 17.5

original stone lithograph

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About the Work
About the Artist

About the Work

“A Gaiety Girl” was created by British Artist Dudley Hardy. “A Gaiety Girl” was a British musical comedy that ran for over 400 London performances before debuting on Broadway. The popularity of the show resulted in over a dozen parodies and imitations in the following years. Dudley Hardy’s print lithograph came from the Gaiety Girls themselves: A troupe of vivacious female dancers dressed in the latest fashions. “A Gaiety Girl (Plate 4)” is a 13.5 x 9 – inch original stone lithograph created in 1895.

About the Artist

“Les Maitres De L’Affiche” (The Masters of the Poster) is a phrase that refers to one of the most prestigious and influential art publications in history. The 256 color plates that make up the suite represent a wide-ranging selection of outstanding original posters from the turn of the twentieth century when this popular art form first reached its peak. Early printed posters were very text-heavy, with relatively few illustrations. After all, they were created to advertise products, and adding an illustration to an advertisement in the mid-1800s was not commonplace. However, during the second half of the nineteenth century, when all types of commercial products were aesthetically upgraded, serious artists began to see the new possibilities in the poster medium. By linking their imagery to modern commerce, the thinking was that each would be enhanced by the value of the other.

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