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For best results we recommend marking 10 inches on your wall with tape to get a sense of scale. Make sure to have the floor visible in the photo.

About the Work
About the Work
Seikichi Takara, a Japanese-born artist, is deeply inspired by the plethora of flora around him. The islands of Hawaii inspired a captivating layering of color both of light and dark. Night Onto Day is an acrylic on paper.
Takara has been recognized Internationally for his abstract, expressionistic and seascape paintings. His painting "Lunar Seed" an abstract was one of ten selected to become a commemorative poster for the Smithsonian Institutes Air and Space Museum Bicentennial Celebration in 1983."
Please utilize the AR experience in a well-lit room.
Scan the room for surface detection.

Artwork will place in your room.
Using your fingers, align the horizontal white line
with your floor.

Double tap the artwork to scale to 100% size
and pinch to move on the screen.