Robert Standish Prominently Featured at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum
Works of Robert Standish can be found in numerous collections and foundations including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Santa Monica Museum of Art, and Frederic R. Weisman Art Foundation. His work was first featured in the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation in 2016. This fall his work “Falls“ was chosen again to be featured in the prestigious Frederic R. Weisman Art Foundation as part of the “It’s All Black and White” exhibition on view from August 27th – December 8th, 2019.

Translating literally from French as to deceive or trick the eye, trompe-l’oeil describes works whose subjects are presented so realistically that they make viewers wonder whether they are actually real. This concept was masterfully adapted by Philippe Bertho who time and again showcases his virtuoso skills at evoking different textures and creating convincing visual illusions.